An ode to Mave.... I didn't want to do sloppy, but know that I loved you ???
Created by Nicola 2 years ago
Mrs Ashley the Elder, the mother-in-law,
A force to be reckoned with, strong to her core.
A voice that could boom, you knew she was near
With Mave on your side, you had little to fear.
A wonderful wife, Trev did as was told,
Their life was so colourful, no surprise he went bald!
A fabulous Nanny, a house full of games,
Hot chocolate and blue milk for Laura and James.
A dog mum to Danny, a very loved pet,
He ate toffees and biscuits and chicken when let.
She also housed pussy cats and kittens galore,
They were always quite wary of footwear she wore!
She could burp like no other I ever have heard,
Don't think her a rough gal, she was a real classy bird.
She couldn't drink vodka, it made her violently sneeze,
Her teeth would go flying as she achoo-ed on her knees.
She swore like a navvy, she cussed and she blinded,
but even a Vicar would never have minded.
She loved a good puff on her white menthol fags,
She read books and watched tele and read numerous mags.
She knitted and created many things with great care,
I still have my bobble hats that caused quite a stare!
You allowed me to care for Adi, your son,
A hard act to follow, he adored you, his mum.
You now have gone on to the next phase of your life,
One without sorrow, pain, trouble and strife.
You will talk as you once did and laugh hard and loud,
Dance, sing, greet your loved ones and pull in a crowd.
God bless Mavis Ashley, a great woman was she,
I'll miss you forever, from the younger Mrs Ashley